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Your monthly donation to Bel Canto Boot Camp is tax-deductible. The BCBC Initiative, Inc. is registered as a non-profit corporation in New York.
You can also access our content by registering below.
Free access is supported by members
who make monthly contributions.
Access to The Gym Floor
Bel Canto Boot Camp’s Gym Floor is our ever-growing, research-based, skill-focused technical training space for singers, teachers, coaches, and opera lovers alike. Our first-of-its-kind online platform offers a collection of videos, exercise sheets, discussions, essays, and more where you can commit to honing and widening your skillset.

Access archives of recordings of our Members Only Sunday Matinées. During and after the pandemic, we met on each Sunday afternoon for listening sessions.

Self-Assessment Tools
Orient yourself to the Bel Canto Boot Camp Gym Floor with our Membership Welcome Packet, developed to introduce you to our philosophies and take you on a journey of self-assessment as you begin or continue your technical work.

Check out our Terminology for Opera Lovers with “Read” – “Listen” – “Sing” portals that flesh out and clarify.